Musafir: ha ha ha you are jealous because your x boyfriend dashman hide himself and dont explore his photo, because he is retired old timepass for you, and you are also jealous on my personality
do you know how many girls proposed me here on 2 wap
leaving you, cOz you already have that dash's s s s to enjoy
I am one of most smartest guy in 2 wap world thats why you are so so so soooooo jealous on me and my looking personality hahaha, very sad very sad.
Hahha first u have a very bad personality,keep abusing woman coz u are acting as a gay or gay maybe,
Second nobody ask u if u are smart or not coz there are lots of smart than u
Third,dashman is not my boyfriend but a good friend
Forth, I'm never ever jealouse on crap abuser like u, maybe u coz u keep abusing me hahah
And much much more bad abt u coz u are lier and act a dirth and abuser