Business trick by Aamir 2013/06/16 14:50
-hi- friends. I am back with some entertain for you.

Dad - I want you to marry a girl of my choice

Son- No !

Dad- The girl is Bill gates' daughter.

Son- Then okay.

Dad goes to Billgates.

Dad- I want your daughter to marry my son.

Bill Gates- No !

Dad- My son is the CEO of world bank.

Bill Gates- then okay.

Dad goes to the president of the world bank.

Dad- Appoint my son as CEO.

President- No !

Dad- He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates.

President- then okay.

This is Business. -hehe-
Zeast 2013/06/16 15:55
gr8 -hahaha-
The_Torpid 2013/06/16 18:16
What @ Trick!! .omg. /smiley
FAHEEM 2013/06/17 02:49
Very nice
Hareesh 2013/06/17 05:37
Super gr8 topic
aprillia 2013/06/17 11:28
/smiley nice one bro
Uniquelady 2013/06/18 14:42
Haha! Gud one
S3RIAL_KILL3R 2013/06/18 16:51
good......... /smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/22 03:47
G.pst /smiley ':
Sweet_Divyanka 2013/06/27 19:55
coool -hahaha-
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/01/26 10:01
Haha? /smiley
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/30 08:48
saahir 2015/05/07 12:23
Quote: Aamir: /smiley friends. I am back with some entertain for you.

Dad - I want you to marry a girl of my choice

Son- No !

Dad- The girl is Bill gates' daughter.

Son- Then okay.

Dad goes to Billgates.

Dad- I want your daughter to marry my son.

Bill Gates- No !

Dad- My son is the CEO of world bank.

Bill Gates- then okay.

Dad goes to the president of the world bank.

Dad- Appoint my son as CEO.

President- No !

Dad- He is the son-in-law of Bill Gates.

President- then okay.

This is Business. /smiley

if its true, then okey..!

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