Amorian2013/06/12 21:37 Thank u for honouring this interview sir and i really hope this goes as planned
Amorian2013/06/12 21:41 Firstly sir.. In the last couple of months how would u rate the activities in 2wapworld?
NinthElement2013/06/12 21:46 It depends what you mean by activities. In recent months the online count has been low, but today marked a turnaround in that as we had 44 online at one point.
Amorian2013/06/12 21:49 I noticed that too.. Would u attribute this sucess to anything personal that u have done? Or ur fellow staffs?
NinthElement2013/06/12 21:52 Honestly it is probably mostly down to the Google advert I had running during that time. I had taken note of recent feedback that to build our online count will require us to reach a certain momentumn or critical mass, and I think the investment in achieving this is worthwhile. The adverts will run a few days this week but for longer next month.
Amorian2013/06/12 21:57 Okay! Another question that i think i gonna trigger in the minds of most of the active users here is that when we do actually get new users and an increase in online users do u actually think there is enough activity in the various forums to keep them?
NinthElement2013/06/12 22:01 Forums are a very organic thing and the quality and quantity of the topics will depend mostly on how enthusiastic the right kind of posters are when they are here, whether they be new or old members. I think there is also too much focus on staff and multiple accounts here, which can be a distraction from what our forums are supposed to be about and so I am looking again at ways to address this.
Amorian2013/06/12 22:16 Sir if i may ask what measures are being but in place to adress mutiple accts?
NinthElement2013/06/12 22:22 The current method we have in place is email verification where each new account must have a unique email address. However, during times when I am running Google ads I like to switch the registration method to its simplest form in order to maximise conversions. I recently also tested an SMS verification system which would require new users to send an SMS to verify their phone number, but our trial run found that most new users found this daunting and so the next step there is to look at a system that will send the user an SMS instead though it may be costly. The other method we are going to look at closely is one which will ensure that each new user must have a unique Facebook account.
Amorian2013/06/12 22:26 Bravo.. Sir the curent out burst of some trouble makers here.. Dnt wanna call names'' what measures a being put into place to curb that?
NinthElement2013/06/12 22:34 Well I know there is one who is either a pretty decent guy or a complete nightmare depending on what he's been smoking that day. I do have a measure in mind which will prevent such problems with new accounts but I'd like to experiment with it before revealing anything.
NinthElement2013/06/12 22:56 I hope there will be a few more questions.
Amorian2013/06/13 06:06 Yeah.. There'd definitely be... Welcome back from that comercial break
Amorian2013/06/13 11:05 Okay sir, recently there have been a gossip around that u dont like yor leadership decision to b questioned.. Can u please elaborate on this.
NinthElement2013/06/13 11:08 There was one member who said something like this, I think she was upset about something. I always listen to different opinions and try to do what I think is fairest and in the interests of this site, but I realise it isn't always possible to please everyone as some conflicting expectations are inevitable.
Amorian2013/06/13 11:12 Also sir some members also believe that u are kinda biased on your staff appointment.. Can u clerify the issue.. And there is this prominet issue about the newest admin which has stirred up alot of choas here.
NinthElement2013/06/13 11:22 It is hard to clarify any issue without specifics, but I can say there is no bias and I do not let friendships however close determine whom I support or oppose for becoming or remaining a staff member. As for our newest admin, I'm sorry to those with a different opinion but I think it's wrong to judge it to be an incorrect decision to promote him simply because of his relatively short time as a moderator. He has been a very long-term member of this site and I have recognised his wisdom and enthusiasm for the development of 2WapWorld.
Amorian2013/06/13 11:39 Sir its been noticed that most of our old members are no longer active due to some issues here in the past.. Sir forgeting any differences do u think there is a need for a reunion?
NinthElement2013/06/13 11:45 People come and go at all social sites for various reasons, sometimes it's personal or they may just be focused more on real life now for instance. Having said that I'd certainly support an effort to bring back all those who are still reachable.