Daily news in 2wapworld by
Hareesh 2013/06/11 01:36
Hai friends
This is daily news. . . . Topic. . . . .
Please write in your location about doing any incidents. . ..
1) crime
2) poltics
3) sports
4) accidents. . .
5) cinema
please share every thing with us. . . .
you will add incident photos. . . .and files. . .
I request to staff
please show pin this topic. . . . . .
KingFISHER 2013/06/11 02:07
Hi brother! Where we have this News+Factual forum specially for news then why we should make any topic for news purpose?
Hareesh 2013/06/11 02:12
KingFISHER: Hi brother! Where we have this News+Factual forum specially for news then why we should make any topic for news purpose?
ofcourse bro but
this is forum. . . . .and iam create post. . . .coz no 1 usng this forum about news
so iam create this topic
If iam doing any thing wrong please delate this
no prblm. . . .
I can under stand u bro
keep smile
KingFISHER 2013/06/11 02:30
Hareesh: ofcourse bro but
this is forum. . . . .and iam create post. . . .coz no 1 usng this forum about news
so iam create this topic
If iam doing any thing wrong please delate this
no prblm. . . .
I can under stand u bro
keep smile
its not wrong.
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