my invisible bird... by Dashman 2013/06/02 17:12
-heya- PPl.

My buddy always here but she is invisible bird.....

Plz sign her GB ... mistique

And get 20 pluses gift from me....

Thank you
Eleto 2013/06/02 17:16
20? Sure! /smiley
Hareesh 2013/06/02 17:18
Gud idea. . . . . Plz

Lost_SouL 2013/06/02 17:34
Lol...Dash...My guestbook is not something to negociate with...And I don't need anyway people to flood my GB! Uhm.../smiley
ACIDized 2013/06/02 18:09
No real gal, no sign /smiley
Lost_SouL 2013/06/02 19:40
Quote: ToXiC_bIoHaZaRd: No real gal, no sign /smiley
No need for you to sign my GB.../smiley

Dashman 2013/06/02 19:46
Quote: ToXiC_bIoHaZaRd: No real gal, no sign /smiley
she is as real as u.. /smiley

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