What Will You Have To Say? by integrity-daolyboy 2013/05/31 07:51
The following is an extract from Roberts Liardon's book FINAL APPROACH pages 14-17 Picture in your mind the following scene:
Two men, Jack Smith and Joe Brown die and go to heaven. They're the same age and are born-again Christians. They arrive at the pearly gates together. As they wall through, a crowd comes running up. There standing before them are Noah, Abraham and Sarah, David and Jonathan, Ruth, Esther, Peter, Paul,John and Mary. In addition to all these greats from church history are there with them- people like Martin Luther, John and Charles Wesley, John Knox, Kathryn Kuhlman and many more.
All these great men and women come running up to Jack Smith and Joe Brown.Noah steps forward and says, "Tell us what's happening down there on earth. What has your life been like?"
"Yes, tell us," Abraham adds. "we've been waiting to hear all about it."
All the others murmur excitedly, -Yes tell us-Yes tell us."
Joe Brown clears his throat to say something, but Jack Smith cuts him off and starts in. "well, you just wouldnt believe it.
It is so horrible down there. The darkness is so strong. Sin is rampant. AIDS is killing people by the thousands, if that doesnt, abortion does. The church is becoming worldly. "On top of that, drugs and crime are exploding everywhere. The occult, witchcraft and satanism are decieving millions. Families are being torn apart. Two out of three marriages end in divorce, and most kids are being raised by either one parent or none.
"The planet is being destroyed. There are hardly any more dolphins, whales or forests. Then the Christians face all kinds of harassment and persecution from the media and the world. There is bomb blast in almost every nations of the world, Our church split four or five times before I quit going.
"I tell you, it's been awful down there. I'm just glad to be up here with all you guys now. At least you have fun up here, dont you? It hasnt been any fun being down there on earth as a Christian in this day and age, I tell you. It's not anything like when you were alive."
Luther and the Wesley brothers almost speak in unison, "we face harassment and persecution too, you know." Almost all the others nod in agreement.
"Well, yeah, I guess you did but not like we did," Jack says,
Apostle Paul interrupts him. Turning to Joe, he asks, "What about you? How was it for you down there?"
"Well, what Jack said is true but he didnt tell you the whole story. I, for one, was having a good time right in the earth before I ended up here."
"Now you're talking!" Peter exclaims. "You know all of us longed to live in your day. We saw your day and wiat it was going to be like, and we've all wished we could have lived in your time"
"Peter, let the man talk, "Mary interrupts gently.
Joe Brown continues, "Yes, we did see thousands die from AIDS, and millions of babies' lives were taken by abortion. But I also saw people totally delivered and healed from AIDS. And our church shut down the abortion clinics in our city. We also helped drug addicts get free."They kept asking Joe Brown more and more questions, and Jack Smith fades off into the crowd..... copy; Roberts Liardon
Extracted from "FINAL APPROACH" by Roberts Liardon pages 14-17

What will your own story look like up there in heaven? Will you just stand there and have nothing to say before The Saints Of Ages. Remember It's not really important when the rapture will occur. What's important is what we are doing when it does. 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might.' Ecc. 9:10a

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Hareesh 2013/05/31 09:10
Ok sure -goodpost- . . . .
__adisa__ 2013/05/31 09:36
The world has been corrupted entirely.
1. Its alwayz gud to do gud works on earth bcoz we neva knw wen would hear God's call.
2. On earth, Anti-corruption leading to crisis every here and there where by some has sold their heart to the devil.
3. We see some people neva believe that there is heaven which has course them doing their wrong heart desire, like abortion and so on...
Well, good topic indeed, hope this should be choosen to topic of the day. Thanks for sharing this wit us bro, hope this'll change. *clap*

little_mermaid 2013/06/01 04:25
good post, dude /smiley
Prudence 2013/06/01 18:36
Wow grt /smiley
metalchris 2013/06/06 09:49
Good one dude
KingFISHER 2013/06/11 17:03
Always do good job if u want to go above as a good man.
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