International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers by KingFISHER 2013/05/29 03:32
International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, 29 May 2013


United Nations peacekeeping has adapted its policies, revised its structures and developed new practices and training to better perform its life-saving work.

Since its beginning in 1948, United Nations peacekeeping has evolved into one of the main tools used by the international community to manage complex crises that threaten international peace and security.

The International Day of United Nations Peacekeepers, which is commemorated each year on the 29th of May, is an occasion to salute the more than 111,000 peacekeepers serving in 15 missions in some of the world's most volatile and dangerous environments. This Day is also a time to mourn fallen peacekeepers. During its history, more than 3,100"Blue Helmets" have died devoting their lives to peace, including 111 men and women in 2012.
KingFISHER 2013/05/29 03:33
This year, the United Nations is marking the Day by highlighting that international peace and security needs are changing rapidly, and UN Peacekeeping is adapting tomeet these new challenges to help people and countries coming through some of the world’s most destructive conflicts.
KingFISHER 2013/05/29 03:34
UN Peacekeeping continues to develop innovative ways to rapidly deploy and support operations to ensure that we get the job done in the most challenging conditions andthat we do this in an efficient and cost-effective way.

More than ever, UN Peacekeeping is a flexible tool. UN Peacekeeping works. Currently, UN Peacekeeping operations receive contributions of military and police personnel from 116 Member States. This impressive number reflects strong global confidence in the value of United Nations Peacekeeping as a tool for collective security.

KingFISHER 2013/05/29 03:38
To mark the Day at UN Headquarters, Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon will participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at 10:00 a.m. At 10:30 a.m., the Secretary-General will preside over a ceremony at which the Dag Hammarskjöld Medal will be awarded posthumously to the military, police and civilian personnel who lost their lives while serving in peacekeeping operations in 2011. The Under-Secretary-General for Peacekeeping Operations, Mr. Herve Ladsous, will hold a press conference at 12:00.

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Trax 2013/05/29 04:23
wow really gud info..... nic! !!!!!!!!¡¡ /smiley
Hareesh 2013/05/29 05:46
Wow excellent information bro
thnx alot /smiley

taxi707 2013/05/29 15:06
great info. /smiley
Aita 2013/05/29 16:07
/smiley Very intressting info (kingfisher)
bigboris 2013/05/29 17:14
they need more powers we had to let stuff happen in bosnia /smiley
Tochi Prudence 2013/05/29 18:52
Well done Kingfisher, dat's great info keep it up dear.
Tochi Prudence 2013/05/29 18:56
Well done King Fisher, dat's great informatn keep it up dear.
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