updation..... by
_-B0B_MaRl3y-_ 2013/05/28 18:29
updation continues here 4 wat happend in noon...miss Jacki excepted that she banned me.she want to ban me from chat room but she banned me from whole site for 5 hours vdout any warning now she is telling tht liam (rag) vl talk to u..2 she is asking wat do u want i told i want the [b]victim should be brought infront of all and should be fired for her carelessness behaviour in using tools.....
NinthElement 2013/05/28 19:27
You were only banned for 4 minutes. In the old days before I made chat ban tools the full ban would have been used for a short time instead.
Please don't paste private messages in public. Thanks
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