Don'T WorrY by SONIC 2013/05/27 17:26
if u feels that u r hurted by people around you(in 2wap or in real life),dont mind it. It is the law of nature, The tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum number of stones.
jaQui 2013/05/27 19:52
#Beautiful .flower1.

Fantasy 2013/05/28 00:57
yeah it's true about tree but for man impossible ....
SONIC 2013/05/28 03:03
Quote: Riddhi: yeah it's true about tree but for man impossible ....
its possible (approx:80%) .lol.

Manal 2013/05/28 03:08
Quote: SONIC: if u feels that u r hurted by people around you(in 2wap or in real life),dont mind it. It is the law of nature, The tree that bears the sweetest fruits gets the maximum number of stones.

one karma+ for u

SONIC 2013/05/28 04:34
Quote: Manal:

one karma+ for u
thank you..

_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/14 10:06
Nice, [+] 4 u
InternetLord 2013/06/26 04:12
Nice word of encouragement
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