Happy Birthday to You _rOwDy_ by KingFISHER 2013/05/23 11:21
Hi you# my best of the best friend and buddy
_rOwDy_ has a birthday on Friday 24th May 2013 . Plz post here your -bestwishes- and flood his Guestbook with sweet post -birthday- -birthday2-

KingFISHER 2013/05/23 11:29
It's your birthday today. I am sure you'll be itching to host a big feast for your friends. And I shall happily accept your invite and wish you in person because I hate to be impersonal by wishing you on phone,ecard or SMS.
Sonu009 2013/05/23 11:48
Happy Birthday to you... -bestwishes-
mk_alyana 2013/05/23 12:46
/smiley many happy returns of the day.. Have more many years birthday's to come
--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2013/05/23 12:50

Happy buffday to you!!!!

Spoon 2013/05/23 13:39
happy birthday
Kayli 2013/05/23 13:42
/smiley howdy /smiley i mn RoWdY -bestwishes- let swing .swinging. Hv a goody day .gangum.
skyliner 2013/05/23 14:01
happy birthday..!!! wishing you another blessed year in your life..may your wishis come true...
Alebi 2013/05/23 14:24
Enjoy your bday!!!!May God bless u!!!/smiley
-Marizelle- 2013/05/23 14:32
/smileyHappy birthday sweetheart/smiley
Aita 2013/05/23 15:49
/smiley Jazzy -bestwishes- I hope and pray that it will be a WONDERFUL day 4you *namaste*
jaQui 2013/05/23 15:57
Happy Birthday
to You _rOwDy_

Trax 2013/05/23 16:51
/smiley many many happy returns of the day and god bless u aaquib! !!!
MAHESH_K 2013/05/23 17:15
happy b'day to u bro..... /smiley have a great time .run.
Kakaji 2013/05/23 17:47
/smiley /smiley
Shaev7 2013/05/23 19:33
Happy Birthday to you friend,best wishes and favours to you in all your life ramifications.
_rOcK_ 2013/05/23 19:45
happy birthday to aquib bro !!
HandsomeDon 2013/05/23 19:48
happy /smiley to you ............
The_Torpid 2013/05/24 06:26
Happy Bday Bro!!

Marlou 2013/05/24 07:31
Happy birthday to you. /smiley
Queenshay.pie666 2013/05/25 00:00
Happy birthday...
Replies: 31

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