Cyber Love is Fake? Yes/No by _SnOwBoY_ 2013/05/20 05:15
Hey... -2wap1- Users Cyber Love is Fake?...Pleas i want ur important answer with Reason?
-thanku- for ur comment .flower1.
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/05/20 05:21
You should ask: Are internet relationships worth it?

The answer totally depends on both the individuals wanting to continue the relationship. Only true commitment and sacrifice will help form a great relationship, if your looking for excuses to get over with it, there are many but if your dedicated and love her, you dont need a reason to cope up.

SONIC 2013/05/25 17:59
internet relationship is totally waste unless the partners knw each other personally...i mean..they must be in the same class/college/neighbourhood/or atleast in the same state.........this is only applicable to luv n not 4 frndship
HappY_PrincE 2013/06/13 16:12
Its depend on how u treat ur relationship... /smiley
M think cyber love is just LOVE->CHAT->CHEAT(DHOKA) /smiley

Eeprom1.8 2013/06/14 02:52
virtual love /smiley whos knocking out.alice or.smarty
Hareesh 2013/06/14 03:38
Ofcourse. . . .
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/04 07:06
(yes) lol!
Quote: HappY_PrincE: Its depend on how u treat ur relationship... /smiley M think cyber love is just LOVE->CHAT->CHEAT(DHOKA) /smiley

InternetLord 2013/07/04 10:03
Atimes it fake
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/08 10:19
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/09/23 07:46
yes it is..fake../smiley
SAFDAR 2013/09/30 16:58
sory i can not tell you
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