Long Distance Relationships Are Never Easy by little_mermaid 2013/05/19 08:28
Whoever said that long distance relationships are easy has only lived in fairytales. Most long distance relationships are overstretched until they snap. Loneliness creeps in, and often drives a wedge between partners. Moreover it would take enormous strength of character to stay faithful. Trust stands of shaky grounds, often being challenged by real or imaginary demons.
If you are a romantic, and believe in your love, you can make long distance relationships work. To make it work, your partner and you need to have a strong bond of trust and love. In addition, you have to work extra hard to keep the relationship going.
AMMU_SABY 2013/05/19 12:47
i agree dian.
taxi707 2013/05/19 13:49
dats bulldust -taunt2- it never wrks out .mutant.
sunkanmilovly 2013/05/19 14:21
Haaaaaa un nice topic
Princeofhearts 2013/05/19 17:13
SAGITTARIUS 2013/05/22 09:19
It works but the most important thing,it needs honesty from both sides.
ladyme 2013/05/22 18:41
I beliv it cn work
KingFISHER 2013/05/23 18:19
Still working with me.
Sonu009 2013/05/24 05:34
Quote: dian_lovegood: Whoever
said that long distance relationships are easy has only lived in
fairytales. Most long distance relationships are overstretched until
they snap. Loneliness creeps in, and often drives a wedge between
partners. Moreover it would take enormous strength of character to stay
faithful. Trust stands of shaky grounds, often being challenged by real
or imaginary demons.
If you are a romantic, and believe in your love, you can make long
distance relationships work. To make it work, your partner and you need
to have a strong bond of trust and love. In addition, you have to work
extra hard to keep the relationship going.
yes its difficult. but i m in longDistanceRelationshp wid one girl. /smiley

Barbiecute 2013/05/24 06:00
Quote: SAGITTARIUS: It works but the most important thing,it needs honesty from both sides.
i agree wid u....

little_mermaid 2013/05/24 08:58
Quote: Sonu009: yes its difficult. but i m in longDistanceRelationshp wid one girl. /smiley

who's tht girl?

Sonu009 2013/05/24 10:29
Quote: dian_lovegood:
who's tht girl?
she is dian /smiley

lyresh13 2013/05/25 17:51
ya it cn w0rk,.It dEpendz 2 b0th of dEm..D trust and l0yalty
harbosedey 2013/06/01 10:35
it wil work
Page707 2015/11/26 22:29
it's a fake world we live in. We think we believe that person that is far away. meanwhile it's a married man or woman that lie to you

Page707 2015/11/26 22:36
I wonder how many married people are on Internet flirting and cheating on their partners

CorbettRaven 2015/11/28 16:12
It's not easy. Some days you might get lonely and depressed because you miss him too bad. And that reminds me my brother asked me how I could survive with my LDR. He said he couldn't, hence he's been cheating on his GF due to his loneliness. Too bad. But I guess I'm pretty much busy to think of my loneliness.
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