A girl Should understand the true love of her guy. by _-B0B_MaRl3y-_ 2013/05/08 18:46
You are the meaning of my
You are the dream of my
You are the lyrics of my
feelings You are the literature of
my silence
You are the journey of my
You are the translation of
my path You are the difination of
my dignity
You are the every thing for
I am nothing without you
So please dont leave me I want you stay in my life
_-B0B_MaRl3y-_ 2013/05/08 18:46
another thought::"When a girl Loves a boy, No one knows except the girl
When a boy loves a girl everyone knows except
the girl..."

Aita 2013/05/08 19:49
It counts 4 a boy also
mk_alyana 2013/05/09 14:20
words over used of a man. ! Great , u made it man
sunkanmilovly 2013/05/09 15:37
Girl is very bad
Simple0351 2013/05/11 00:36
And when a husband hate his wife, every1 and d woman knowz
Hareesh 2013/05/18 07:11
Gud post . . ..
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/04/17 07:22
ladyme 2015/04/17 22:45
I disagree. A girl can know when she's loved. But she also knows when she isn't wanted .
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