Explaination of A to Z.. by -Marizelle- 2013/05/04 12:32
BOY : A, B, C
GIRL : What ?

BOY : Always Be Careful
GIRL: then ?

BOY : D, E, F, G
Girl : ??

BOY : Don't Ever ForGet That
GIRL : Hmmm....

BOY : I am H I
Girl : What H I ?
BOY : Happily In love

GIRL : So ??
BOY : J, K, L, M, - Just Keep Loving Me

GIRL : And how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ?
BOY : No Other Person Quite, Reasonable , Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee ? ? ? 

Awesome isn't?? ?

Found it from a friend
saahir 2013/05/04 12:44
It is rall Awesome Sissy... !
KingFISHER 2013/05/04 13:00
Wow! Nice topic . Keep it up!
Hareesh 2013/05/04 13:05
Quote: -Marizelle-: BOY : A, B, C
GIRL : What ?
BOY : Always Be Careful
GIRL: then ?
BOY : D, E, F, G
Girl : ??
BOY : Don't Ever ForGet That
GIRL : Hmmm....
BOY : I am H I
Girl : What H I ?
BOY : Happily In love
GIRL : So ??
BOY : J, K, L, M, - Just Keep Loving Me
GIRL : And how about N, O, P, Q, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z ?
BOY : No Other Person Quite, Reasonable , Shall Treat U Very Well Xcept me You'll Zee ? ? ?
Awesome isn't?? ?
Found it from a friend

wow awsome
gup post
keep t up

Eleto 2013/05/05 06:45
Creative. I love it.. Keep Posting More. /smiley
mk_alyana 2013/05/05 12:43
wow it's great, , you made a great explanation
The_Torpid 2013/05/05 13:57
What an Explanation,Itz Just like that of my teacher! /smiley
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/14 10:42
Really Awesome! Liked
BeLLaDOnnA 2013/06/17 21:02
I like it **
Pablee 2013/06/18 16:27
Fantasy 2013/06/18 16:54
wow !! what an explanation...
srimalai 2013/06/21 18:12
Wow!!!! very nice... /smiley
#53 Creative Work
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