WHAT DO TINK by MATHEW2 2013/05/01 15:36
sata:some popple claim 2 hate me why day love me more than GOD him self
satan:some popple claim 2 obey GOD why dey listen 2 me pass GOD.
satan:some popple claim 2 be worshiping GOD why am de dey worship most what do tink satan is now makingmokryofus
dreadsoul 2013/05/01 15:40
did u get what u just wrote?
MATHEW2 2013/05/01 16:37
Quote: dreadsoul: did u get what u just wrote?
wether i get it or not u have to learn a lesson from it the lesson that tink about the way u worship GOD

#78 Faith/Beliefs
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