The Movie "LUCIA" by Sonu009 2013/04/30 14:00
Film name- Lucia
Director- Pawan kumar
Language- Kannada movie (sout india language)
Producer- Audience
Sonu009 2013/04/30 14:05
This is the first movie in the world which is produced by the audience.. The director wrote a script that time no producer nt came to produce this film because its an experimental movie. so he did one idea and wrote the script on his blog at internet. then many people come to invest the money on his script.
Sonu009 2013/04/30 14:09
more than 100 people investd there money to produce this movie. Nw the director succeeded in his idea and made the movie. The movie will be released soon. The overall budget of the movie is 50lakh.
Sonu009 2013/04/30 14:13
The director pawan kumar got "best entepreuner award of England" for his idea of making movie with the help of audience. It shows that if a director has a great script then he can easily make movie. This is inspirational information to those who are interestd in Making movies.
Doncle 2013/04/30 15:22
Entertainment it is....
The_Torpid 2013/04/30 15:39
I Hate Entertainment,I just want loneliness!! -alone- /smiley
Sonu009 2013/04/30 19:20
Quote: outlaw: So he will share the profits with investors?
yes he wil share the profits to the investors...

LORD_OF_RINGS 2013/05/01 01:55
Its nice idea to make a movie.
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/04 07:30
I love Entertainment Movie!
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