Which place is d shortest verse in d bible by Tochi Prudence 2013/04/24 16:30
Always be happy
MATHEW2 2013/04/24 17:01
u mean chapter?
Hareesh 2013/04/24 17:25
Keep t up...
metalchris 2013/04/24 19:19
John 11:36
"Jesus wepth"

jaQui 2013/05/06 18:38
John 11:35
John 11:35 is usually
translated as "Jesus
wept" this is what you
find in the King James,
the NIV, and the New
Jerusalem Bible.

InternetLord 2013/07/14 21:15
Quote: metalchris: John 11:36
"Jesus wepth"
yeah that's it

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