*gossiping* by jaQui 2013/04/20 21:20
Why 2wap ppl like gossiping n discussing other ppls privite wap lives? Dont they have better things to do?

MATHEW2 2013/04/20 21:21
please ask them
Zeast 2013/04/20 21:27
don't let ny0ne walk through y0r mind with their dirty feet!! . . .
Eleto 2013/04/20 21:58
Lol. That's why I don't have close friends here. I just mind my business.
KingFISHER 2013/04/20 23:40
Few peoples doesnt hav any work other than pinching to other. They are dirty minded and i,m more than sure they are mentaly sick. They are advised to consult with a psychiatrist or should leave the peacefull peaople alone.
Hareesh 2013/04/21 05:05
I dnt knw abt this but every one thinking on his own minds in different ways
Princess_Jasmine 2013/04/21 12:25
They r immature, insecure, maybe jealous, or mean. u knw nowadays its really hard to find people who actually have respect for u. No, its hard to actually find a frnd.
SONIC 2013/04/21 14:33
gossippers,.....kill them-reaper-
TheMouse 2013/04/21 14:48
It's a form of the urge for communication in human nature. The term 'gossip' is often confused with 'slander', but the two are entirely different.
saahir 2013/04/21 14:56
Quote: TheMouse: It's a form of the urge for communication in human nature. The term 'gossip' is often confused with 'slander', but the two are entirely different.

TheMouse is more sensible than such Gossipers.

--CaTeRpILLaR-- 2013/04/21 15:05
Its their habit...hehe...
They just love it..

Aita 2013/04/21 16:51
Unfortunaly thats what waplive contains. Here are many gossipers and backstabbers and troublemakers on 2wap. They fullfil thr sick minds 2 see other ppl unhappy. Thats why very good ppl left 2wap already. Its always fights here. And some staff are also guilty on this. Its sad. But true.
Aita 2013/04/22 10:56
Quote: Eleto: Lol. That's why I don't have close friends here. I just mind my business.
i agree, thats what im doing 2

Rebellion 2013/05/01 17:13
Don't know about that But Right now you are gossiping about the gossiping of the gossipers So you became the gossiper of the gossipers now/smiley
metalchris 2013/05/02 09:56
Quote: jacki: Why 2wap ppl like gossiping n discussing other ppls privite wap lives? Dont they have better things to do?

maybe its part of fun/smiley

megan28 2013/05/02 11:20
/smiley guess who is talking /smiley
Rebellion 2013/05/02 11:22
Quote: jacki: Why 2wap ppl like gossiping n discussing other ppls privite wap lives? Dont they have better things to do?

Very good jacki, you can edit my posts But cannot reply... you have a very small heart, you cannot face me, You're afraid of me jacki /smiley

Rebellion 2013/05/02 11:23
Quote: HeLL-SeeKeR: Don't know about that But Right now you are gossiping about the gossiping of the gossipers So i became the gossiper of the gossipers now/smiley


megan28 2013/05/02 11:23
Put th gossipers in a line ere frm 1 - 100 /smiley
megan28 2013/05/02 11:26
Quote: HeLL-SeeKeR:
Very good jacki, you can edit my posts But cannot reply... you have a very small heart, you cannot face me, You're afraid of me jacki /smiley
she realy did tht? omg /smiley

Rebellion 2013/05/02 11:26
Quote: megan28: she realy did tht? omg /smiley

Yeah! Beware of her, she is evil .lol. She can backstab her friend like me /smiley

Replies: 34

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