harris008.vc 2013/04/20 02:36
There are so many health problem related to alcohol consumption...
Such as Anemia, Cancer, Cardiovascular disease, Cirrhosis, Dementia, Depression, Seizures, Gout, High blood pressure, Infectious disease, Nerve damage, Pancreatitis etc...
So, I request you to avoid alcohol consumption. If u didn't used it, never use it in your life, also ask your friends to stop its consumption if they consumes it. THANK YOU.!
harris008.vc 2013/04/20 02:37
Because of there reasons, im not using it.
Princess_Jasmine 2013/04/20 14:06
Absolutely rite ppl shuld stay away from all of that.
_EdGE_ 2013/04/21 02:40
-goodpost- alcohol and smoking are injurious to health. thats why its prohibited.
__adisa__ 2013/04/24 15:55
I am a teetotal, thank u.
TheMouse 2013/05/08 02:46
I disagree with the motive of the topic. I stopped drinking alcohol nearly 3 years ago simply because I got bored with it and didn't want it anymore. I needed to avoid it because I had to look after my little animals, and wanted to avoid it because I wanted to have more time to read books. But that doesn't mean nobody else should drink it, that it's soooo bad to ever drink it at all, and all this nonsense about telling other people how to live their lives.
Simple0351 2013/05/11 01:28
Dnt no ow to avoid it.pls ep
Aita 2013/05/19 16:14
Alchohol is a killer.
ArseRider 2013/05/21 18:29
i like beer so go get fucked im not stopping unless you pay me lots cash ok?
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