SONIC 2013/04/15 10:17
for d last 1-2 days,i hav understood dat some of the users in 2wap r misunderstanding me without any reasons..they r telling dat am another id of arjeet,whom i dnt even knw well.....most probably some idiots r trying 2 cheat me...or spreading rumours about me...
day b4 ystrdy,at chitchat rum,sonicgirl told me tat m arjeet..n called me by dat name..n also anothr usr thr.....tonight....vinay4u called me arjeet at chit chat.....he also tld me dat....all usrsin 2wap knws dat m arjeet....i fed up by justifying 2 each and evry1....i dnt knw how 2 convince u all dat m not,1 way is there....those wo have furthr doubts dat m arjeet....u can visit my fb profile....there my datas r available2 u including ma clg,place,my frnz,my photo name is Arun...n my fb id name i will give u privately if u photo is also thr in my 2wap profile..........i dont knw why some of u arecalling by dat name.....
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