WHAT WILL YOU DO FIRST by SONIC 2013/04/10 10:13
if you are given an extraordinary power to make any one person in thiz world in your controll....what will you do 1st?
Eleto 2013/04/10 16:44
Make 2wap a Country /smiley
TheMouse 2013/04/10 16:55
Do U mean I have to chose one person, or would it apply to all people?
KingFISHER 2013/04/10 23:48
I,ll bring junglelady to me!
Sweet_Divyanka 2013/04/11 13:20
I wiil help all poor peoples wich needs help /smiley
SONIC 2013/04/11 14:25
Quote: TheMouse: Do U mean I have to chose one person, or would it apply to all people?
only 1

SONIC 2013/04/11 14:27
Quote: Sweet_Divyanka: I wiil help all poor peoples wich needs help /smiley
u can cntrl only 1 in diz wrld

little_mermaid 2013/04/11 14:31
i will change world to be green and make everyone smile /smiley
SONIC 2013/04/11 15:40
Quote: dian_lovegood: i will change world to be green and make everyone smile /smiley
u can cntrl 1nly 1 person

detrimentum 2014/05/11 10:25
I'd make Pop music illegal. /smiley
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