need a hand...or push by
Kumz 2013/03/31 18:53
A man and his wife areawakened at 3 oclock in themorning by a loud poundingon the door. The man gets upand goes to the door where adrunken stranger stands in thepouring down rain.Can you give me a push? heasks while hanging onto thedoor frame.Not a chance says thehusband Its 3 oclock inthe morning!. He slams thedoor and returns to bed.Who was it? asks his wife.Just some drunk wanting apush he answers.Did you help him? she asks.No, I didnt its three in themorning and raining like crazyout.Well, you have a shortmemory says his wife. Cantyou remember about threemonths ago when we brokedown on vacation and thosetwo strangers helped us? Ithink you should help him.The man does as he is told andgets dressed and goes out intothe pounding rain and callsout into the dark, Hello, areyou still there?Yes, comes the answer.Do you still want a push?calls out the husband.Yes, please! comes the replyfrom the dark.Where are you? asks thehusband.
Kumz 2013/03/31 18:53
Over here on the swing! thedrunk replies.
Jill 2013/04/01 10:41
Very gud Suspence thriller.!
Hareesh 2013/04/24 04:37
Thats 3uny
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