SELECT * FROM users WHERE `username` LIKE :username AND id=:idSELECT * FROM posts WHERE id=:topicId AND thread ='1' SELECT * FROM forums WHERE id=:forumIdSELECT * FROM forums WHERE id=:forumIdSELECT COUNT(*) AS count FROM posts WHERE tid=:topicId ORDER BY id Who among these are the greatest liars?
Who among these are the greatest liars? by Durand 2013/03/29 14:57
1. Police
2. Politicians
3. Lawyers
4. Doctors
5. Tailors
6. Me
8. My boyfriend/Hubby
9. My girlfriend/wife
10. ADD MORE...

Aita 2013/03/29 23:14
nr. 3 /smiley
KingFISHER 2013/03/30 06:06
Obviously nr.3
SittiAmina 2013/03/30 06:40
sexymich 2013/03/31 12:42
Kayli 2013/04/02 23:42
Nr. 2 for sure
saahir 2013/04/04 07:07
Quote: kayli: Nr. 2 for sure

I agree with u. They are masters.

Rebellion 2013/04/05 17:02
_EdGE_ 2013/04/10 05:07
Politicians definately. /smiley
MATHEW2 2013/04/11 07:50
The_Torpid 2013/04/11 15:23
All Of them!! -rules-
SONIC 2013/04/15 07:01
frm all these fields.....some are liars and some r polite/smiley
sandeep397 2013/05/26 08:07
skyliner 2013/05/29 07:23
Can I add sum 1 in the list?
Kumz 2013/06/08 20:05
guys with a black spot on their foreheads. /smiley
Eeprom1 2013/06/09 13:02
number 6 then number 1
missu 2013/06/09 18:39
Prudence 2013/06/16 20:00
Sure it's nr 2.Agreed.
Prudence 2013/06/16 20:04
Politicians and also police./smiley
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/07/01 13:22
No r 2 politicians
BACKSTREET_JOKER 2013/07/06 08:23
A man while talking to her crush /smiley
Replies: 28

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