Important For All in the UK! by TheMouse 2013/03/20 15:32
Important info for all members residing in the UK! The NHS (National Health Service) has been sold - and the Letters NHS now are for 'National Hotline for Sex'.
Doncle 2013/03/20 17:25
Mouse, how did you get that or you have been piping couples in there homes....smiles..
KingFISHER 2013/03/20 19:39
What is the source of ur topic?
_shirish_ 2013/03/23 18:39
The_Torpid 2013/03/24 06:02
-omg2- *lol2*
hasu_life 2013/03/24 16:41
hi how are you
RainShower 2013/03/28 07:19
now health ??
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/01 23:19
-lmao- -shut-
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