GOD IS GREAT by Fremder_Aryan2013/03/19 15:02 Why Do we feel sleepy in Prayer,
But stay awake through a 3 hour
Why are we so bored when we
look at the HOLY BOOK,
But find it easy to read other
Why is it so easy to ignore a msg
about God,
Yet we forward the nasty ones?
Why are Prayers getting smaller,
But bars and clubs are
Why is it so easy to worship a
But very difficult to engage with
Think about it, are you going to
forward this?
Are you going to ignore it, cause
you think you will get laughed at?
Forward this to all your friends.
80% of you won't forward this.
God said:
If you deny me in front of your
friends, I will deny you on the day
of judgment:
When one door closes , God
opens two : If God has opened
doors for you,
send this message to everyone
including me....
God has no BLACKBERRY but he's
my favorite contact ... !!
He is not on FACEBOOK but he is
my best friend .... !!
He is not on TWITTER but I still
follow him .... !!
& even without the INTERNET I am
always connected to him .....!!
He is not on WHATSAPP but he's
always online .....!!
Share this
if God's been good to you....
adamjr2013/03/23 11:28 Sometimes we don't thing about know God and praying to Him. We tend to forget or going on our merry way with other things like family, work, being with friends or doing socialy things. And it's unfortunatute that we forget about God. Yet God with always be on our side no matter what you do in your life. So never ever forget that God loves everyone and everything what we do in our everyday lives.