GhostRider vs TRADEDY_STAY_FLY by Shaev7 2013/03/15 08:33
Battle expires on 18/3/2013 3pm Nig time

VERSES: 2 VERSES EACH i.e 1 post per verse.

JUDGES: Shall be looked into by Shaev7 and Spektralflamez and this match shall be voted by the public with a Max of 6. votes highest votes wins.

No interferance on this match. After this match both mcees shouldn't post here again exept the voters and judges.
If one of you go against this rules shall attract a penalty.

Beging your Brawl.
Rebellion 2013/03/15 15:56
Going first Ye can call me StaRTeR / Been back in time playing JOHN^CARTER / Ye can be dumbass & screwed but not be SMARTER / I'm goin right N left You are going FLATTER / Story has been told and I was the NARRATOR / I bought the mansion where Ye were the CURATOR / M gonna attack ye in 114 indian languages call yor INTERPRETER / gonna act the KILLER from HITMAN to TERMINATOR / Detroit_wings fly with me and cheer me till the END / M gonna torcher ye kid until ye don't BEND / I hunt I kill I beat till the time Only I REMAIN / Respects the greats ; The bitches I don't ENTERTAIN / Yor son will be the result of the outcome of yor MASTURBATION / Ye will rot here listening to me allover REVERBNATION / Now get yor ass to the silent-mode for the verse I INTRODUCE / M Hustling in the brawl minding my Ps & Qs / To the referee: I advice him to Wet his WHISTLE / the battle is going to be hard & BRITTLE / Sorry to break yor dreams being SUPERFICIAL / My mind is a product of ISRO and the intelligence: ARTIFICIAL / Now be ready to chew the fat I offer 2 YOU / M gonna fuck yor sister off before I tore YOU / Those hoes can't fucking reach ma D!ck Baby I'm the THRESHOLD / They are making a mistake Sending Paul Heyman to STONE^COLD / Shortly Ye gonna realize who is yor LESSONER(LESNAR)/ M not gonna rhyme each N everything which 2day is FASHIONER / I like kicking the rappers off like eating PAVLOVA / Making Hoes getting D!ck & whacks getting back to their job of CASANOVA / I heard Ye rap like a man having Frog in his THROAT / I fucked yor generation allova in SECs while u were thinking of a PLOT / M turning the tables and making masters beg PARDON / Opened the university of Rap,call u when the post gets empty for the WARDEN / M abide by the International mafia code while Ye are living under the RULE^OF^THUMB / Long befo got the licence^to^kill Now got the power to make u NUMB / When I'm into a sexual intercourse Me N my D!ck with a chick makes it a 3SOME / Without the driving license I drive the hottie drinking VODKA^N^RUM / Ye are unable to listen it when the song is SUNG / Yor soul is dirty Can only be pured by COW^DUNG / M the Rule^maker / real MC the TAKER / I cannot be stopped with iron chains either u clamp it TIGHTER / I'm alive after the death and they call me GHOST^RIDER / Night^Fighter / Death^Sighter / You can also call me Grim Reaper's godfather THE^MIGHTER / Trusts nobody M fed^up of Back^Biters / Just attested the certificate to kill u by the DEATH^WRITERS / If M acting on yor nerves then M getting my GOAT/ M so greater than the Gulliver that I made TITANIC one of my BOAT / Ye are messing with me cuz today u got out of bed on the WRONG^SIDE / There is no place in the world 4me now where U can HIDE / M gonna make u whack 2 whacker / Go back,Suck yor mums^breast M gonna get u Sukker / Yor name is tragedy but actually M yor TRAGEDY / My flow causes a disease for which Ye won't find REMEDY / Stop the fucking COMEDY we can see that on TV / Ye are fucked up already and crushed by my SUV / I live like slim SHADY and fuck yor LANDLADY / My name is spreadin in the world from INDIA,USA to UAE / Ye rapping infront of me & yor buddies laughing HEHEHE / I get girls by my luck & u get them on MATRIMONY / As much as them ye can count down to 41 / And tell me if u have even a single HornY^ONE / Worst dream I am of Y0RS / Getting yor ass with the hell of a FORCE !!!

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/03/15 20:52
Oh! men bitch wrote me a ~POEM~/no long speech cuz smarty already knows ma ~AIM~/Am a holy man in rap opposing haterz lyk Mahatma ~GANDHI~/i came in lyk Indian Maharaja n ur bitch mama wanna b ma ~MAHARANI~/in rap am leadin ur generation spiritually lyk ~MAHARISHI~/turnin ur black n white ass 2 ~MAHOGANY~/turn ur worms in2 noodles and give ur family 2 eat as ~MACARONI~/...CASKET OPENED!

He was livin but saw me n bcame a ~GHOST~/said he's ~ghost^rider~ but d bitch is just a ghost hidin so i call him ~GHOST^HIDER~/i put his yam life on fire and am about 2 ~ROAST~/lose ur sight bitch am a lyrical ~BLINDER~/too late 4u 2 get on ur bike n ride in2 ur mama's ~PUSSY~/am Lucifer whom u call ~LUCI~/i bring earth-quake wen i take a ~STEP~/bring curse upon u and watch u die lyk African ~APE~/i dropd 4rm sky lyk Clark kent in2 2wap only 2 find ur ~BULL^SHXT~/ma flow spin ur brain clockwise n made u commit *MOTHER^MURDER*...MATRICIDE~/left u fatherless as i made u *FARTHER^ur^FATHER*...~PATRICIDE~/if u think u're better than me bitch it's ~SUICIDE~/u are not even my shoe ~SIZE~/ma flow gat ur head ringin lyk dr.dre's beat 4 west^~SIDE~/ma flow made u Isaac 4 sacrifice and i couldn't wait 4 God's lamb i jst ~SLICE~/i wear ur skull lyk hell ~BEAD~/gave u grind pepper 2 sniff n have a nose^~BLEED~/1st u suck n now u ~SULK~ bitch keep ~SULKING~/ur life i ~4UCK~ here is ma dick keep ~SUCKIN~/i was born n raised in ~HELL~/i gat ur death written wit ur blood am about 2 send it 2 devil lyk ~MAIL~/I gat u trapped n unreleased but here u are releasin ~SEMEN~/once u see me bitch u've ~SEE(N)MEN~/ask shaev~seven~ he will tell u dat Tragedy can take down more than ~seven~ ~MEN~/i gat u shxtin ur life out lyk an egg layin ~HEN~/lol,am unknown 2 d world datz y D.M.x is askin ~WATZ MA NAME?~/am Tragedy bitch ~DATZ MA NAME~/Tragedy is chasin u in2 d grave but i ~STAY-FLY~/am done wit u ass^hole cuz ur blood still ~STAY-DRY~

I can sex a virgin witout breakin her ~VIRGINITY~/remove "F" 4rm furious n replace it wit "C" as u are curious(2 know me)in order 2 deal with ur ~CURIOUS^CITY~(curiosity)/am faster than lightening datz y no scientist can tell ma ~VELOCITY~/am still d seraph amoung ~ANGEL(S)~/i can stay calm wen a bitch talk but doesn't mean am a ~CARMEL~/Haha ***LEARN!.


Rebellion 2013/03/16 12:47
Fool! That'z wot u got to show in yor slot to FACE^ME? / With y0r 10^CENT cell Ye dream to get hold of me N TRACE^ME? / M far outta yor reach & Ye can just hope 2 get ma KIND^NESS / Ye're chanting the name of smarty like an owl ^ AIM^LESS / Ye said ye're a holy man lyk Gandhi Ye lied through yor TEETH / For that M gonna fuck Ye & show who's the real^devil here livin' a life UNDERNEATH / Heard Ya sayin' Ye bring the earthquake with ya ONE^STEP / Bitch the truth is wen u take a step outta yor house Gays fuck u N it's called a RAPE / Ye're just a 'NEW^CUMMER' & listen to this FACT that ma Shoe-size is 10 / Ma boot is fit fo yor entire family like a single bogie TRAIN / Ye're as small as yor ASS / We're just waiting fo ya motherf%%king CON^FESS / Superman died listening to yor KLARK^KENT^^KRRAP / the T^R^U^T^H is that YE^CAN^NOT^RAP / Ya head is found inside some Hoe's cunt EVE^RY^SECOND^DAY / It's a mouse^trap for rats like you But a rat^killer is much RE^CUM^MAN^DEAD (Recommended) / Ya nose is always inserted into evry^one's matter why d0n't Ye mind ya own BEESWAX / Do ye understand ma motherfucking words or still need an ASS^M^ASS(SMS) ... MAIL^or^FAX / Ye're too lazy to make a move thatz why u sit on the baby's HIGH^CHAIR / Ye calling ya'self a Man Inspite of the fact that Ye never checked ya UN^DER^WEAR / I know Ye^STAY^FLY cuz Ye're the only Reason for CANOPY^BEDS ~~ Yor only meal is human^brain's Blood & Ye disturb the hell out off ppl's ASS / Ma every single sperm^count can make Ye Tumbler^N^Tipsy / Then Yor mouth fully cummed can make Ye speak like a GYPSY ::::

** NoW HeRe is the deal ** M gonna bury Yeu SIX^FEET^UNDER before the HOLOCAUST / Pour Blood on Ye and release a full fledged LIVE^BROADCAST / Don't worry M gonna ask Ye yor last wish B4 y0r SHORT^SHRIFT / Ya death will come easy like watching the movie FAST^N^FURIOUS: The^TOKYO^DRIFT / Ye're a curse M a gift / I can replace ma Respiratory^System with Rhymes & call it a MAKE^SHIFT / Ye don't know ya velocity(Which is zero) But I know what mine BE / It's greater than 299,792,458 metres per second(Speed of light) & denoted by 'G' / Even an E.T. can tell how much Ye are DUMB / whereas m a born-genius Long b4 discovered by CHARLES^AUGUSTIN^DE^COULOMB / Yor fakeness can be proved by the MADE-IN-CHINA seal on ya BUTT / But Ye still disrespect the guy coming from the land of ARYA^BHATT / Ye're a modern breed evolved from AMOEBA^PROTOZOA / Ppl knows ma flows are still toxic than COBRA & BOA / now ya body going damn SHATTER / Ye talk like a baby and ye're mad as a HATTER / sucide beFO I RYDE / accept ma ADVICE / Oppurtunity doesn't come TWICE / grab it if Ye're WISE / Save ya ass from being WHIPPED / Ya bitch mama's cunt is saved in a file & RIPPED / NexT iz Yew / *SOL*(Shout out loud) EWW / Fight with me & Ye'll find ya'self in ICU(I see Ya/smiley) / Ye're fuckin' HIV +ve affected with AIDS and SWINE^FLU / Now it's ya TURN..Hoe^NUN

TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/03/17 00:24

Yes bitch i sit on a high ~CHAIR~/smoke ur life out lyk cigarette n now drinkin ur blood lyk star ~BEER~/u said ur shoe size is ~TEN~/damn wat a lame u are bitch relax n ~LEARN~/i don't check ma ~UNDER^WEAR~/cos i starve u ~HUNGER^THERE~/good u know i ~STAY^FLY~/cuz i am d only Reason u and ur generation ~GAY^DIE~/CANOPY^BEDS? damn! bitch ur LINAGE^IS^DEAD~/gud u know my only meal is human ~BRAIN~/datz y urs is ~DRAIN~/u also know i suck ~BLOOD~/haha,u are ghost 2day cos urs is gone so bitch call me ur ~LORD~/yes i disturb the hell out of~PEOPLE~/datz y i curse u 2 die of ~PIMPLE~/ur blood can't make me tipsy but ur bones are ~CRIPSY~/ur oral rap can tell who speaks lyk a gypsy am lyk dead sea and my rap can make u drown cos its deeper lyk ~DEEP^SEA~/oh! ur velocity is fool^die^die(299),Shaving^die^fool(792),4uk^life^late(458)no wonder u are ~LATE~(dead)/i drop lyrical ~BOMB~/now u told me ur papa is a plumber n he's known as Grass-August^thing-De-PLUMB/yes i got ma GRADE-IN-CHINA n ur mama bcame my ~HARLOT~/u gon die a slave cos am d BUYER my money flow lyk river cos ur mama earn ~A LOT~/
My lines gat u ~LAZY~/but i kill wit no ~MERCY~ ask ~RESSY~/i 1st drop ur skull on d ground b4 i play ur family farewell lyk Lionel ~MESSI~/bitch time 2 get u ~RESPECTIN~/otherwise u gon die ~SUSPECTIN~/watch me give ur dick a new ~RAZOR^RAKE^TION~(ressurrection)/i cut off d whole hairs n watch u die of ~BACK^FAILURE^INFEC^TION~/4rm d day of ~creation~ ur life was ~IMITATION~/am here 2 eat-up ur fleshy parts reducin u 2 a lifeless ~SKELETON~/burn u completely wit fire witout a ^de^cent^ ~BURIAL~/put u and ur life on olympic ~MARATHON~/then wash off ur blood wit same ^de^ter^gent^...~ARIEL~/Uncountable ~PUNCHLINE~(s)/too hard 4 Obama 2 ~DEFINE~/ma hell is yet 2b ~CREATED~/but i already gat soulz dat God ~REJECTED~(urs)/am d hell devil ~IMITATED~/i can't b replaced cos i can't b ~DUPLICATED~/am still da Rap Alien, d same Mars stain u can't wash evn if ur soap is ~MEDICATED~/i make Hindu's sleep cos i can't b ~MEDITATED~/diss gat me ~INITIATED~/now am dissin diss out cos am ~DEDICATED~/...WAT DA 4UK?
uncertainty lies ur ~MENTALITY~/datz y ur credibility is of no ~MATURITY~/now ur acceptability 2 death has proven ur ~MORTALITY~/and wat i gave u is flawless victory n ~FATALITY~/cos ur inability 2 recognize a playa brought death 2 u as ~PENALTY~/now am about to leave d flute n blow d ~TRUMPET~/invoke d tragedy in me by leavin maggots in ur ~GULLET~/ma respect 2 a bitch is atomic bomb and a ~BULLET~(in ur head)/feed ur belly wit ur generation bones b4 u die lyk my new ~PET~/if u say am d devil datz an ~UNDER^STATE^MENT~/bitch took a skate-board n ~UNDER^SKATE^BENT~/ma lines are paintin 2wap BLACK n ~YELLOW~/i got ur heart ripped-off b4 u said HI and ~HELLO~/its un^fun^to^met(unfortunate)i still send ghosts 2 ~GALLOW~(s)/as i make ur breathin ~SHALLOW~

Shaev7 2013/03/17 05:14
Ayt my post blocks any other pops from both mceez exept voters.

Battle Up! Nice match.

Now wait for the judges.

Yungboss 2013/03/17 08:50
Real spittaz Rite here damn ma brain is fill with dust pls allow me to dust it out to get a cleana part to Judge

ok damn Ghost was so hard on Trajj on d second, dropd a karma 4 u mehn, bt trajj was busy buildin a nuclear bomb thats bout to detonate in 3 2 1 shxt!! Im talkin 2 much Tragedy got ma Virgin i mean got ma Vote /smiley

STUNNER 2013/03/17 08:59
Been away 4 so long but am back.
Nice brawl indeed. Ghostrider was good wit first verse but Tragedy murdered it.
I love d 2nd verse 4rm Ghostrider it was 4ukin hot and i couldn't believe he did that but he murdered himself by sayin " I know Ye^STAY^FLY cuz Ye're the only Reason for CANOPY^BEDS ~~ Yor only meal is human^brain's Blood & Ye disturb the hell out off ppl's ASS". Tragedy was 4ukin good by replyin with: "good u know i ~STAY^FLY~/cuz i am d only Reason u and ur generation ~GAY^DIE~/CANOPY^BEDS? damn! bitch ur LINAGE^IS^DEAD~/gud u know my only meal is human ~BRAIN~/datz y urs is ~DRAIN~/u also know i suck ~BLOOD~/haha,u are ghost 2day cos urs is gone so bitch call me ur ~LORD~/yes i disturb the hell out of~PEOPLE~/datz y i curse u 2 die of ~PIMPLE~/".

They both murdered it for sure but my vote goes to Tragedy stay fly he was hotter.

Barbiecute 2013/03/17 12:43
my vote goes to ghost .hehe.
HandsomeDon 2013/03/17 12:59
dear friend Tragedy stage fly try his best to ACHIEVED welldone but Ghostrider is the BEST^SO ghost is the MOST is the Vote /smiley
Alebi 2013/03/17 16:25
I'm with Tragedy /smiley
My vote to him /smiley

jaQui 2013/03/17 17:49
Ghostrider best/smiley
Spektralflamez 2013/03/17 18:43
yeah well done folkz..i just gat to make it short and precise..both showed talent good mceez..thumbz up..but you gat to know one thang..therez only one captain in a ship..coz if theres two..then war continuez....GHOZT..u good mcee talented but a lil mistake hit you off by murdering ourself..stunner is correct.. those linez..and why tragedy gat da edge over you is that his ~DILIVERY~ was very marvelouz mehn..and his secnd verse was more creative and raging..ghozt needs to work on his vote goes my nigga ..T R A G E D Y..
Doncle 2013/03/17 20:04
Both are good and my friend....but with little mistakes from both..... I think G.R is better...
Resphanto 2013/03/17 20:25
Tragedy got mine
Shaev7 2013/03/17 22:16
Okay by votes, both have same number of votes. Now, I shall be the last judge!

But, due to an undisclosed investigation going on atm between both mceez, the winner shall emerge immediately after the investigation is over.
Please Mceez bear with me. Meanwhile, I shall shot down the thread till further notice, after that, come back and reopen then cast the final judgement.
Thank you.

Shaev7 2013/03/19 08:52
Ok investigation over.
Verdict shall be announce by few hours or in 24 hours time.
Please any unnecessary comment is not allowed.

Note: Both mcees are to remain silent and abstain from droping a post here.


Shaev7 2013/03/19 21:11

Ghost 1st verse:

Punches weak
metaphores none
multies poor delivery
nameplay nill
wordplay fair

First verse to me was poor in delivery with nice ideas.

Tragedy 1st

Punches Good
nameplay nill
wordplay nice delivery
multies impressive
personalz looks like something there.

Overal first was a saw to ghost. Nice one.

Ghost 2nd

was trying to cut back but was struggling though nice flows and few punches but with poor delivery.

Tragedy 2nd.

I will say it was an advantage verse as he used ghost words against him. Nice replies and punches wirh exellent delivery.

straight to the deal, overal votes tragedy wins!
by looking at both matches and flows he got all it needs.


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