how_before_i_get_a_haircut by Kgoxz... by Kgoxz 2013/03/11 05:08
A guy sticks his head into a barber shop and asks "Hey, Buddy! how long before I can get a haircut?"
The barber look around the shop and says "about 2 hours," and the guy leaves.
A few days later the same guy sticks his head in the door and asks..."how long before I can get a haircut?"
Again, the barber looks around at shop full of customers and says"about 2 hours." The guy leaves.
A week later the same guy sticks his head in the shop and asks"how long before I can get a haircut?" The barber looks around the shop and says "about an hour and a half". The guy leaves.
The barber looks over at a friend in the shop and says "Hey, Joey, I'll give you a free cut if you follow that guy and see where he goes."
In a little while, Joey comes back into the shop laughing hysterically. The barber says, "this must be good, where did he go when he left here?"
Joey says, "To your house!"
Yungboss 2013/03/11 16:19
Real 4unny buddy u gud
The_Torpid 2013/03/17 03:54
/smiley -goodone- Bro!!
RainShower 2013/03/28 07:29
timing matching , a clever boy
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/01 23:14
/smiley tnx sheering
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