2 wap will raise online list. by Musafir2013/03/02 17:12 Hi buddys ! I have an idea by which 2 wap can increase online list, i thought this cOz i am using other applications such as whatsapp or we chat e.c.t.
There i have buddys all around the world such as Argentina, spain, e.c.t.
In my list i have more that 55 users from different countrys, and i am gonna invite them here.
This topic is to notify you all that if you use such applications where you have buddys from different countrys, please invite them here.
It will be good to see users from more different countrys :) thanks.
jaQui2013/03/02 18:10 "Great idea, great minds think alike,,,
Rebellion2013/03/27 10:08 Wannabe mod,My vote goes2u btw Why ru tellin this, Everyone here invites their frnds from different sites but nobody publicize it
Aita2013/03/31 20:40 2 my knowledge. Its staffs job 2 spam 4 new members. And be friendly with them and try 2 keep them here. Since i login, only KingFISHER chat 2me. No other staff. I ask 1 mod 2 add a new forum. And the answer was: I THINK only admin can do that. Staff are thr 2 interact with members.
Aita2013/03/31 20:41 2 my knowledge. Its part of staffs job 2 spam 4 new members. And be friendly with them and try 2 keep them here. Since i login, only KingFISHER chat 2me. No other staff. I ask 1 mod 2 add a new forum. And the answer was: I THINK only admin can do that. Staff are thr 2 interact with members.