ITS NOT LOVE by sly-david 2013/02/24 08:09
"You say you love rain but you use an umbrella to walk under it. You say you love sun, but you seek shade when it is shining. You say you love wind, but when it comes you close your window. So thats why i'm scared when you say you love me." can you please let me be and stop lips-loving me ? I 've seen vast of 'em...
Marlou 2013/02/24 10:33
Nice 0ne /smiley
jaQui 2013/02/24 10:42
Yip, very nice.rose.
Doncle 2013/02/25 11:04
Really its not Love..
Hareesh 2013/02/25 12:54
so nice gud 1

Haseena 2013/03/02 07:43
Etim2 2013/03/17 17:33
nice and pretty.
invincible_shadow 2013/03/28 16:58
thn tht is nt love, words come out frm d mouth nt on the heart,
simba1211 2013/04/06 13:07
SLY-DAVID how true and touchy, very nicely written......../smiley
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