Some Movies Which are similar to our life incident by Sonu009 2013/02/19 04:16
There are some movies ... In that kind of movies some are very similar to our life and incidents... Please share that kind of movies..

_roshan_ 2013/02/19 06:52
vedam..telugu movie
Hareesh 2013/02/19 08:11
Quote: _roshan_: vedam..telugu movie

yes its a gud movie nd i luv 1most beautiful song money

Sonu009 2013/02/19 08:17
my life is little similar to 3 idiots movie.. ther is a character in that movie calld farhan. farhan actually interestd in photography but ther parents forced him to do engineering.. this is very similar to me.
Macgyver 2013/02/19 12:41
A movie ,,,, dont hv any like that.
midd 2013/02/19 15:50
as for me i like movie called blood diamond.and SARAFINA fiting for freedom in south africa.
midd 2013/02/19 16:35
Quote: Sonu009: There are some movies ... In that kind of movies some are very similar to our life and incidents... Please share that kind of movies..
We have movie like TITANIC and BLOOD SISTER act in nigeria.

Sonu009 2013/02/20 06:08
Quote: princess_nisha: nah my life is in n0 part 0f the m0vies
didi.. mujhe lagta hai.. ur life is bit similar to"SAATIYA" movie... Hai na?

Rockstar_sunju 2013/02/20 08:05
no movies...
SONIC 2013/02/21 12:07
Mu-ayd 2013/02/22 15:39
A little part of som movis but nt a particular one
dreadsoul 2013/03/01 19:56
Rebellion 2013/03/02 11:30
Spiderman & The karate kid
Venus26 2013/03/08 03:44
redbLue 2013/03/17 18:58
yeah. the movie you talking about make you all closer to your DEATH. I LOVE IT
Sushma.khatri. 2013/03/26 20:27
little_mermaid 2013/03/27 07:14
crazy little things called love movie from thailand made me cry
lipulove 2013/03/28 01:42
lipulove 2013/03/28 01:43
bllod rayane
lipulove 2013/03/28 01:43
monet travel
lipulove 2013/03/28 01:43
super man
Replies: 26

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