Those days by Doubl-D 2013/02/05 16:21
whens the last time your when through your picture album and relive those funny moment that was caught on camera? . . good times *smile*
Eleto 2013/02/05 16:26
Umm.. Sorry, I've no photo album.
TheMouse 2013/02/06 01:33
When I look at the photo albums I notice in most pictures all the persons are now dead, except me. That's frightening.
Infinite 2013/02/06 02:32
I love looking at the pictures a couple of times a year. I wait long enough so each "visit" lets me rediscover the faces of loved ones and the fun events.. love those moments, especially the one which I had with my girl in the previous birth... Miss those days and those people. So very much... /smiley
metalchris 2013/02/06 05:11
Last centuary is'nt too far?/smiley

SAGITTARIUS 2013/02/06 12:49
I dont have any foto album./smiley
Hareesh 2013/02/14 09:34
Hummm /smiley
Zapata 2014/04/04 19:02
Photos with my old friends i found them few days back
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