Father come at home. by Ashok143 2013/02/05 09:01
Read if ur +18plush.
Boy Goes to a Chemist and Said ''Give Me a Condom,
I'm Going to My Girlfriend house for Dinner. Actually
Give Me two More condom. Her Sisters are a Bomb too!!

During Dinner..
Girl's Father Came to Home, Boy Lowers his Head Immediately and Start Praying..

Girl: I Never Knew You are So Religious

Boy: I Never Knew Your Father is a CHEMIST!
Kgoxz 2013/02/05 09:31
Heard it b4 bt stil nice...
The_Torpid 2013/02/05 13:24
Whats Virginity Here??/smiley
KingFISHER 2013/02/12 04:18
Co incident.
Ashok143 2013/02/17 16:14
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:50
It gud
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:51
I cant laugh
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:52
Giv me more
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:53
I never knew u were so funy
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:53
Thats gud of u
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:54
Uve done well
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:54
Keep it up
MegaBoltz 2013/02/21 05:55
I need more komedy
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/02 03:51
Gud gud[good]
TinHeart 2014/02/02 04:32
hopeful to the end /smiley
Samuel099 2014/10/17 22:09
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