airtel internet service by Ashok143 2013/02/05 04:23
For internet setting, SMS MO to 54321
For manual setting, call 12118
For activating 3G SMS to 121
To know more about internet packs dial *567#
For know for internet data dial *123*10# for 2G data and *123*11# for 3G data.
KingFISHER 2013/02/05 08:05
Mention the country name. Coz Airtel belongs in both Bangladesh and India
Pankaj123 2013/02/05 14:50
Quote: Ashok143: For internet setting, SMS MO to 54321
For manual setting, call 12118
For activating 3G SMS to 121
To know more about internet packs dial *567#
For know for internet data dial *123*10# for 2G data and *123*11# for 3G data.
it's for INDIA

Ashok143 2013/02/05 16:44
Yes rite frd.
Hareesh 2013/02/17 02:45
Only in -india- bro
LoneLy_heArt 2013/02/18 13:14
thanks for the info /smiley
gabriel979 2013/04/19 07:48
wat abt d 1 for nigeria
ZZT 2014/01/15 20:14
Only for india users
Sam7007 2014/01/29 17:39
airtel rockzzzzz.
Samuel099 2014/01/30 22:55
What about ghana
DuRgA_DuTt 2014/02/11 03:58
Last five call details please dail 12181 And *121*7# call and sms and rechargd last internet charge
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