A great love story. by B@D_BOY02 2013/02/04 16:55
Thise is a small love story.

A boy and a girl Loved each other very much.

But one day, unfortunately the Girl Died..

The boy was Upset so much
and he couldn't Stop his Tears.
He kept on Crying Day and Nights..

Many People gave Sympathy,
but no Argument could Stop His Tears.

One Night He Slept and had a Dream,
He saw the Girl in Heaven with so many Girls of Her age.
He felt Relax..
But He Noticed that every Girl was in Fairy Dress,
and had a Lightened Candle in their Hands,
but his girlfreind had a Candle which was not Lightened..!

He asked Her:
"Why your Candle is not Lightened?"

She said "Whenever I enlighten My Candle,
Your Tears fall on it..!
Please Stop Crying.."

-True Love cares forever and ever.
Marlou 2013/02/05 02:13
/smiley i think this is true. However, great l0ve is rarely f0und in human heart n0w adays./smiley
Ashok143 2013/02/05 03:08
Great story.
Mu-ayd 2013/02/05 08:34
Quote: Marlou: /smiley i think this is true. However, great l0ve is rarely f0und in human heart n0w adays./smiley

true dear, but as u said its rare but it does exist.

Mu-ayd 2013/02/05 08:35
Nice nd cheerful story...gud wrk
Suraj.rathode 2013/02/05 15:23
A great love story!
The_Torpid 2013/02/05 15:41
Best Example Of True Love!!Excellent Topic Bro!!
The_Torpid 2013/02/05 15:41
Quote: _rOckin_Arij33t_: Best Example Of True Love!!Excellent Topic Bro!!
Sorry,Sis!!/smiley -oopsi-

Hareesh 2013/02/14 17:16
Gud story superb!!
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