"Leave Me Alone" by saahir 2013/02/04 11:18
I'm a man
As you are..
I'm born..
As you are..
I follow what I feel better
As you follow..
I have freedom
to choose my way
As you have..
I don't want to impose
anything on you..
Why you want to impose?
Leave me alone..
Be where you are..
And leave me where I'm..

KingFISHER 2013/02/04 11:39
Do ur job and plz let me do ma job.
jamella16 2013/02/04 11:52
think before you speak or do something. Sometimes we thought what we burst out s just n0thing..bt have u ever think what would be the consequences or the outcomes? N0t everybody thinks the way you think..
-sweet_honesty- 2013/02/04 14:17
No comment..
Kingaadi 2013/02/04 15:57
Leave Me Alone . Good topic bro
TRAGEDY_STAY_FLY 2013/02/04 16:45
You are here to...
I am here to upgrade the site and make friends.
You hate...
I love everyone.
You chose...
I chose life and friends.
You are...
I am happy and right now am 2wapping.

Nice topic Saahir.

mohit-km 2013/02/04 17:23
nice topic

Marlou 2013/02/05 02:21
Each one is interrelated, we cant actually live in our own without others in our side who c0ntributed in our pers0nal devel0pment. If every0ne will leave each other al0ne, it will make the world a l0neliest place to live./smiley
Hareesh 2013/02/14 17:19
Excellnt words gud post well tnpic
skyliner 2013/02/16 14:37
No man stands alone
Macgyver 2013/02/18 04:40
Nice, bro .
__adisa__ 2013/05/06 18:05
Live ur live the way you want and let me live my. Good quotes!
little_mermaid 2013/05/07 09:28
amazing words .clap.
megan28 2013/05/07 15:55
Good wrk saahir. We lv u the way u ar.
Quote: saahir: I'm a man
As you are..
I'm born..
As you are..
I follow what I feel better
As you follow..
I have freedom
to choose my way
As you have..
I don't want to impose
anything on you..
Why you want to impose?
Leave me alone..
Be where you are..
And leave me where I'm..

Doncle 2013/05/07 18:31
No trouble......
Eleto 2013/05/08 04:54
Nice topic. Although I don't really get your point. Nice topic
Simple0351 2013/05/10 23:59
Let me enjoy my life. Now icn see y u r the best
Emo_CutE_GiRl_ 2013/05/11 17:19
Leave me alone.,..good one.,
saahir 2013/05/21 07:40
Quote: Emo_CutE_GiRl_: Leave me alone.,..good one.,

But u don't.

_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/14 10:12
Nice Bro! karma 4 u
saahir 2013/06/17 14:25
Quote: Eleto: Nice topic. Although I don't really get your point. Nice topic

Here @2wap, people who are negative in their thoughts, this poem adresses them.

Replies: 21

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