My Heart Is Broken by Rebellion 2013/02/01 20:47
My heart is broken, Sneak through
My heart is broken, Yeah it's true
My heart is broken, Play along
My heart is broken, Sing a song
My heart is broken, Tell you what
My heart is broken, Thanks alot
My heart is broken, Wound is growin
My heart is broken, Come N join
My heart is broken, and so on
and you my friend.. Eh! Don't worry Go on!

Kingaadi 2013/02/01 21:50
My heart is broken, Come
N join

Rebellion 2013/02/03 20:25
Here the 'join' word can be taken in two meanings... One get together & other sticking
KingFISHER 2013/02/04 02:33
Sort out the cause and mend ur relitionship.
#53 Creative Work
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