Favorite Horror by
Doubl-D 2013/01/27 15:35
Its simple just tell us the scariest horror movie you have ever seen.
Doubl-D 2013/01/27 15:37
Im gona go wit "Insidious"
Jill 2013/01/27 17:50
Infinite 2013/01/28 14:36
Ya, Insidious scared da heck out of me. >.
munna_sk 2013/01/29 06:04
evil dead part3
ASHIKA 2013/02/01 20:43
The Exocism of Emily Rose you must watch it!
Sonu009 2013/02/01 20:45
i like " drag me to hell"
ALASTAR 2013/02/14 15:35
Wrong turn1 and 2
dreadsoul 2013/02/15 13:27
silence of the lambs...if it's a considerable horror
S-ALI.RAZA 2013/07/09 06:30
Twilight saga new moon
SAFDAR 2013/10/08 09:43
Hell boy1
hell boy2
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