§!!WAy To SuCceSs!!§ by The_Torpid 2013/01/26 07:35
Hi Guyzz,Read This Poem And Drop Your Comments!!
Look inside your soul
For that last bit of sanity
You can be sure that it won't cause a calamity
If things were to arise
That would bring shock to your eyes
Would it make you cry?
Or would it just make you wonder
Why you don't understand
The rules of the land
To play in this band
No matter
What is, is
That is the jist of this biz
So, what I say to thee is this
Learn and grow as much as you can
Stand with the band and do what you can
While in this land
Then, you shall progress
On to bigger and bigger success!!
_roshan_ 2013/01/26 07:42
wow nice one
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2013/10/17 16:06
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.