Give me a break by 0_o 2013/01/22 02:11
She had a convincing face.. Hard to tell if she was lying, She lowers her gaze, everytime I ask her why.. I did everything to keep her happy, making sure she doesn't cry.. But what do I get? She left me all alone to die.. All my luv gone to waste, her leaving me for another guy..

I would catch a grenade for her, but now I am feeling-less... May God keep her happy... Atleast for now I will be free of stress...
0_o 2013/01/22 02:23
Guyz pls dnt ask me why am being selfish.. She asked for it...
Kingaadi 2013/01/22 05:24
why bro ?
Eleto 2013/01/22 07:32
So sad... I'll never catch a grenade for a girl though. I'll catch a Groundnut rather /smiley
TeRMlNaT0R_SaLVATloN 2013/01/26 19:13
O o
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2015/05/20 10:09
#53 Creative Work
Poetry, stories, lyrics, quotes, life lessons and more. Prepare to be moved and inspired.