HAPPY BIRTHDAY RAGNORAK by -Marizelle- 2013/01/17 18:27
Dear friends on Sunday,January,20,our admin king is celebrating his birthday. We all wanted to wish him a wonderful blessed day and year ahead. May he have good health and lots of money.hehe. HAPPY BIRTHDAY(ragnorak)-bday-.bday.

Rebellion 2013/01/17 18:31
Hail innovator! lets praise him to the death For he is the powerful almighty/smiley
_vIsHaL_ 2013/01/17 18:32
happiE birthdAY in.advance...:-P
Rebellion 2013/01/17 18:32
anyway jokes apart /smiley HAPPY BDAY My dear new friend ragnorak/smiley
____THe.bosS 2013/01/17 18:38
Happy birthday Liam bro!! May god give you all the happiness on your birthday !!!
-Marizelle- 2013/01/17 18:43
I'm wishing u a wonderful blessed day and year ahead. God bless. Happy Birthday in advance,Liam/smiley
Sweetsilver 2013/01/17 19:37
MAHESH_K 2013/01/17 20:46
Happy bday bro/smiley Enjoy have a blast.......run.
EloraM23 2013/01/17 21:18
/smiley Liam /smiley /smiley
TheMouse 2013/01/17 22:20
May the cheeky mice never come out of the cellar to eat your birthday cake, may your cheddar cheese never be stolen from your fridge by a polar mouse, and may you never get robbed by a gang of street mice in your new year! HAPPY BIRTHDAY! [themouse]
aprillia 2013/01/17 22:39
happy b'day to u......

The_Torpid 2013/01/18 02:01
Many Many Returns Of The Day Bro!!Let All Ur Wishes & Dreams Comes True!!/smiley
LoneLy_heArt 2013/01/18 02:45
happy birtday bro /smiley Many many happy returns of this day /smiley
_EdGE_ 2013/01/18 02:53
/smiley i wanted to make this topic, /smiley

any ways happy birthday bro! have a enjoyable day! (birthday)

Spoon 2013/01/18 03:51
happy birthday liam hope u have a great day
Tori.black 2013/01/18 04:17
Hareesh 2013/01/18 04:48
wish u many more
Happy returns of the day

KingFISHER 2013/01/18 05:06

I wish you well, I wish you peace;
I wish you love, I wish you true.
But the most I wish for is a wonderful life for you!
Warm birthday greetings!

-2wapworld- 2013/01/18 05:17
Happy birth day
_-FiRe-PhOeNiX-_ 2013/01/18 06:45
"Many many happy returns of the
day... keep growing... njoi... god
bless" /smiley

mk_alyana 2013/01/18 06:53
Happy bday, hv many more bday's to cum .:
Replies: 47

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