Give me Time by
Rebellion 2013/01/07 18:23
Give me Time To rhyme my life with yours
Give me time for crying to the fullest of the force
Give me time for I did the crime to forget your Birthday
Give me time But don't leave me alone as I missed you everyday
Give me time to fix the things I messed between us
Give me time for I'm also human and this gap could be cancerous
Give me time to think what I did wrong If u don't wanna tell my mistake,
Just Give me some time I'll give you my life It's just the time I lack,
Doncle 2013/01/08 08:23
You have all the time now.......
Hareesh 2013/01/08 15:16
take ur own time
Ammit 2013/01/09 13:11
oh...u wnt time,hw much time u need??
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