my rant hopefully sum will learn from it by Spoon 2013/01/06 08:04
ok where to start some here need to learn to look at all the post certain troublemakers put to provoke others into arguements, then act accordingly. today i have banned 1 of my friends many times for his rants publically after been banned for posting sumthing after another member had stated that the world wld b a better place without jews. this comment on its own is racist and the person shld of been banned for it its not the first time this person has commented in this way. the topic has now been trashed yet untill now the person making that comment wasnt banned but 1 other was from responding to it. funny enuff the staff that banned the 2nd person in this tale aparently seems to b a friend of the 1st party thats racist. yet i was able to ban 1 of my friends a few times because of his rant after he was banned on other nics as shld b done. now in my opinion either staff start learning to do job correctly and without bias or emotiion to their friends or this site going to b destroyed even quicker than it is going down. oh and by the way the person against the jews that thinks the world wld b better off without them is muslim and known to cause trouble if u want to know who these ppl r look in logs because ive had enuff of the bias and unfair staff that act for their friends and not for the good of the site
EpIcInCoGnItO 2013/01/06 08:46
I prefer we deal this matter via inbox as it includes moderators decision's.

All moderators should note not to ban any member for more than 10 days until and unless the member has repeatedly broken the rules again. Regarding such issues its better to inform an admin.


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#74 Trash Zone
A junkyard for threads to be deleted later.