DREAM or PRESENT by Ammit 2012/12/22 18:19
hi, 2waperz...today i have a qestion to youu,...what you suggest colorful dream or hard present?post wth logic....-luk-
Sweet_Divyanka 2012/12/22 22:27
hard presents /smiley
Lelsi 2012/12/22 22:44
Nothing is easy,and there is no dream you cannot achieve if you really truly want it and fight for it. So, the present is something that is happening in this moment, and it can be easy if you can cope with all the obstacles, and dreams..what is life without dreams and hope,eh..
-Marizelle- 2012/12/23 00:17
Hard present
yemadep 2012/12/24 18:44
Both experienced or achieved are for a purpose.
Princess_Jasmine 2012/12/25 09:05
Hareesh 2012/12/25 14:32
its so hard
Whizzkidd 2012/12/26 22:29
Obstacles only leads to miracle with persistent attitude.
ACIDized 2015/04/24 18:31
I had wet dreams more than color dreams.
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