MADE IN NIGERIA ENGLISH. by Doncle 2012/12/12 15:13


*Mummy HAVE come*....

*I'll tell my daddy FOR YOU*....

*See as u BAFF up*....

*Put d bread inside LYLON*....

*I strong KAKARAKA*....

*Pls help me SLOW that fan*....

*Have they BROUGHT lite?*....

*Oya come and be going*....

*I KUKUMA don't have your time*....

*Shebi u have BB charger*....

*See how her eye is entering my food*....

*The FILM is SWEET*....

*Have u paid your skull fees money?*....

*If I hear pim, u go hear weeen*....

*Did u see d sound of my ringtone?*....

*I know u have come since bcoz I hear your perfume*
yemadep 2012/12/12 17:19
Na so Oº°˚˚˚°º. . Let it be. Grammar no dey easy Oº°˚˚˚°º.
babyboy 2012/12/13 03:31
wetin b ur own.
Oga takem easy

Ammit 2012/12/22 08:22
p lz dscrb..
metalchris 2012/12/28 06:32
#shebi you get bb charge#/smiley
S-ALI.RAZA 2014/02/16 01:10
SAFDAR 2014/02/19 09:13
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