New easier BBcodes by NinthElement2012/12/12 03:14 Hi everyone, I've added new and easier BBcodes for linking more efficiently to pages on 2WapWorld such as topics and profiles as well as for hyperlinks. These are inspired by the hashtags we've all become so familiar with and are designed to be as intuitive as possible. Here is the initial list along with examples (these each must be written as a single string without spaces to work):
user # GumSlone
userid # 592
topic # 3125000
gbook # Smarty
update # 33141
poll # 9203
blog # 5441
file # 4113
pic # 93595
url # (can be written with or without http://)
you # (each reader sees their own username)
We may add more BBcodes like this where required, and when we do they'll be edited into this post. I trust you will all find this to be a most user-friendly improvement. -king-
Barbiecute2012/12/12 03:28 occum work dear itz relli vei easy for evry prsn
-Marizelle-2012/12/12 03:34 Thanks Liam. Its real good
NinthElement2012/12/12 13:31 I've made it even easier now by removing the first # from the BBcode as it isn't actually required. So now it's just like this:
trakkerterrorist2012/12/12 19:35 great work you are god, liam .bow.
Fairyflexy2012/12/12 22:13 D@'s just like u. Bravo Liam!
NinthElement2012/12/13 15:56 Did you know the user# and you# codes can be combined? Here is the effect: you# (the reader's own nickname appears as a link).