When I fell in Love (Prose&Poetry competition) by saahir 2012/12/07 09:11
Here you are invited to share your personal 'Love Story' if you have passion in Poetry and Prose. You can share your own creations in this contest, whether in poetic way or in prose.

Poetry should contained minimum 40 words and Prose minimum 150 words. Both should not exceed more than 200 words.
All participants taking part in this contest will get 20 pluses and three winners will be awarded by following pluses...

Ist winner : 200 pluses.
2nd winner : 150 pluses.
3rd winner : 100 pluses.


Each member is allowed to share only one post.
Posting more than that is strictly not permitted and will be deleted.
Moreover no free postings or copy paste is allowed except your own creations only.
Note: Violation of rules will cost deduction of 20 pluses from your account and participating pulses would not be added.

Topic will be closed on: 25th Dec. 2012 at 2400hrs.
Result will be declared on: 31st December 2012.
All rights are reserved with Judges Panel and their decision will be the final.

1. Vipul

Organizing panel:

1st winner aprillia

2nd winner Barbiecute

3rd winner popeye

Congratultion to the winners and thank you to All participants.

Best wishes for New Year 2013

Fantasy 2012/12/07 16:34
******`O' My Love ******** I saw him first time He was same as I dream always Tall , Handsome He look at me With a light smile And said Hello in very low voice My reply was smile We net every day Oh my God i was stonished He was my Love
aprillia 2012/12/07 18:52
dear my love.....
i miss u but u r not miss me
i need u but u never need me
i still love u but ur love are gone
even u r never care me now
but my heart always search u
that's to pain when i feel bt i like to feel it
n i will never give up to take ur heart back to me
until u with me as first time when we r together.

Dehannah 2012/12/07 19:12
He was was attractive,
gudluking, gosh, i wish i cud get him, have him, take him and make him mine. He looked in my direction. i quickly turned my head. i looked at him again dis time we were locked eye to eye. i didnt move he gave me a smile. i /smiley. he winked /smiley. i smiled. i knew it was love at first sight!!!!

_roshan_ 2012/12/08 01:39
Even i blame u b4 hundread eyes of da people,i love u more dan 1000 hearts of the people,Even there are 1000s of people,my eyes searchs only 4 u.
even i m in 1000 of people my heart thinks abt u..the time which i spent wid u makes me smile even i die...

Popeye 2012/12/11 19:08

**It's "Another Day" by me**

ANother day without you,
Life has been so tough but now I am ok girl, how about you
This phase will be over soon, we will have our honeymoon
You dont know what your simple smile can do
Keep smiling and dont worry, I love you so much my Cherry

Rango 2012/12/11 19:11
****************************when i fell in love with you,you mesmerise me
Everything i do,i do under your control
Oh my love,how great is the love i have for you
The love that can never be separeted
That is true love in life

When i fell in love with you,you make me blind.I can not see any other person than you my love.
I think its the magic of love which makes you appear where you are not

3tiza 2012/12/12 07:14
Am living in empty world
talk without sense,
smile without meaning
complaining for all circumstances and obstacles in life
i feel jealous to the world

When unexpectedly God gave me You
to show me what is more there in real life
than how i feel

you fill my empty world and made it shine again
you made me realize how worth i am
and show me how good to live
with You again am alive
You gave me shine and brighter life
You are today,tomorrow and forever
You are my everything
And my whole life. . .
Freely I can say
You are my world and
from deep in my heart
. .

skyliner 2012/12/14 17:09
(this is for you hon)

I remember the day when you came with me
I am alone no one talk to.
I am down ,you cheered me up!
you taught me that life wasnt that bad at all!dispite of pains,failures and sadness i have

You yield your hands and take me for walk
Now, i just realized i am smilling at your silly jokes..
Jokes! that ease my sadness in pain inside of me....
Do i need to say thank you?...
Yes ido...

You fill in my life the joy ived lost
You fill in the emptyness i felt inside
Ow! how i wish its not a dream
Coz if its!id rather to choose not to wake up anymore....
You said yOU love me but you dont know i love you more

You are the reason why i need to live more....
i love you more and more!
till the last breath of my life and thats all!!

Kumz 2012/12/15 06:32
Wondrous stranger
nandupk61 2012/12/16 14:44
Really i m a begar for love without discrimination of caste,creed,race,nationality nd outer face
simply stay wt me just a movement
you realize,the space of my hrt,
very deliquate,sensitive,flowerin the feelings of happiness. my eyes r alwayes open,wr r u till the last movement.

Barbiecute 2012/12/23 05:08
i miss mah old dayz whn i am in a cmtd relationship...d dayzz i spend wid uh it relli makes m a smile bt inside it hurtss...i relli miss ur fragrance all d tym coz u r nt wid m...i nvr expressed mah feelings to u coz i don want to lost u again...i knw at tht tym u r only mah frnd nd thts y em olwayz silent whn e talked nd i nvr say to u dat i love u..u olwayz thinked tht i don love u bt tht is nt true in mah heart dere is a deep love for uh..you leave m nd move on coz w both r nt made for each other...i still miss our small fights...i still want u in mah lyf...i still want u in mah lyf..i wish uh olwayz remember my mobile no. just incase if u evr realise my real care nd love... these all lines written by mee for mah lover who left m

KingFISHER 2012/12/25 15:07
TIME UP. Preparing result. Be patience please!
saahir 2012/12/31 10:20
Congratulations to all winners and prticipants of the contest. Enjoy your stay here with keeping peaceful atmosphere of 2wapworld. I am thankful to sis Heart-Of-An-Angel, Brothers Vipul and KingFisher, also the team of 2wapworld for their co-operations. May The God bless you all.
saahir 2012/12/31 18:01
May Year 2013 fill your LIFE with JOY, HAPPINESS, SUCCESS with PEACE & HARMONY. * HaPpY nEw YeAr * to ALL.
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