Help please!! by black_tear 2012/12/02 17:08
Hi everyone, if someone here can help me to open this file , this is pdb format file, here is a direct link to it, I have downloaded some pdb readers but none of them could open it, and I really need it, if someone can help me with this I would be very grateful. Thanks in advance.
saahir 2012/12/02 18:02
(tnx) 4 informing.
Quote: Eeprom: the readme file inside the zip archive Reads--

This is a SuperMemo database. To be able to view it on your
device, you need a copy of SuperMemo application available at

Before using and installing this database, you must
read and agree with the included LICENSE.TXT file.

To install the database, double click the PDB file.

For more information, see the Frequently Asked Questions at

More databases can be found in SuperMemo Knowledge Goldmine at

Ive attached the supermemo archive containing the SUPERMEM.PRC to this message

black_tear 2012/12/02 20:42
@ Eeprom thank you very much, will try that step by step and will be back if I fail lol, this file is something I really need for work, unfortunately I don't have much knowledge in this area tried my best to open it , that's why I'm asking here. Thank you once again, will be back with questions , and I'm sure I'll have many ehe.
Someone 2012/12/03 06:15
I think Eeprom provided solution of the problem u facing related to that file. Let me know If u unable to open that file after trying solution provided by Eeprom
Someone 2012/12/03 07:32
You want Pdb file viewer. Right? Try this.

TuftsViewer Is an open source cross-platform protein structure viewer based on the OpenGL and wxWidgets libraries. The focus on TuftsViewer is combining structure and sequence information and on having an intuitive,easy-to-use interface.
Documentation is included in binary and source distributions, and can be found in the Wiki section as well.

> Features
- Can open local PDB files or retrieve them over a web connection by PDB or ASTRAL ID.
- Simple point-and-click residue selection. Multiple clicks select regions based on secondary structure.
- Ability to rotate around center of structure or center of currently selected regions.
- Undo buffer for selected set of residues and residue rendering settings.
- Can display multiple structure alignments generated by integrated Matt structure alignment algorithm. Can use a single window, a split window, or multiple windows to display the aligned structures.
- Standard cartoon, spacefill, and ball and stick rendering modes. Also, a hybrid mode that uses a cartoon backbone and ball and stick for sidechains.

> Installation notes
Windows binary only distribution requires that the Visual Studio 2008 SP1 runtime ( x64 version ) be installed,if it's not already. This should not be necessary when using the installer.

Note that TuftsViewer may crash frequently when using hardware acceleration under Windows on some systems with integrated Intel graphicsadapters. Forcing software rendering in TuftsViewer 's configuration screen should circumvent such issues, at a significant cost in terms speed. The program has no such issues when using modern ATI or nVidia cards.


black_tear 2012/12/05 20:38
Thank you so much for your help Vipul, I really appreciate it
Jenna.dewal 2012/12/27 11:29
Karma 4 u.
_SnOwBoY_ 2013/06/27 10:49
Emporme! NicE InfO /smiley
Smarty 2015/09/27 12:33
How do you usually introduce yourself? Thank you for your kindness.
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