The Color of Love by KingFISHER 2012/11/29 02:51
For some folks the color of love is

Red ... fiery and hot,

For others the color is
Blue ... placid and calm,

For some it's
Yellow ... caring but cautious,

For others it's
Orange ... rich and fruitful,

For some the color isLavender ... gentle and kind,

For others it's
Purple ... sacrificing and giving,

For some it's
Green ... with its go, go, go,

For others the color is
White ... pure and undefiled.

But for me the color is

R a i n b o w ... Red and Blue ,

Yellow and Orange ,

Lavender and Purple ,

Green and White .

The R a i n b o w painted by God
is a symbol of forever-love,

And as long as there is
sunshine and rain

there will always be R a i n b o w s ,

And as long as there are R a i n b o w s
there will always be
forever-love for you.

-Dick Innes

WhAt do u think bout color of LOVE ?

adamjr 2012/11/29 03:13
/smiley /smiley
-Marizelle- 2012/11/29 03:17
Nice one Reza
LOVELY_GURL 2012/11/29 03:41
hmmm nice
mk_alyana 2012/11/29 04:50
Love always in a mixed color.. Bt most of d time it must to be purple.. .
Someone 2012/11/29 05:42
Even naming all existing colors can't represent or describe greatness of love.
Hareesh 2012/11/29 06:17
so swt -goodpost-

Meer@.gupta 2012/11/29 09:22
Love always in a mixed color. Bt most of d time it must to be green
saahir 2012/11/29 11:36
Colour of my heart is, as colour of a mirror.
adamjr 2012/11/29 12:11
Yellow is the color of friendship. Pink is the color of a start of a new relationship or a new love. Red, however, is the color of a good relationship or the color of love. /smiley
The_Torpid 2012/11/29 12:14
My Color Of Love Is Newton's Disc.Colourless!!But Lovely!!/smiley
--BooM-ShAnKaR-- 2012/11/29 13:43
LoVe Iz a mIxTuRe oF CoLoUrZ /smiley
bUt fR Mee pURPLe /smiley
bTw nYc tOpIc /smiley

black_tear 2012/11/29 23:35
you know what, for me it is blue. because I was so much in love in one beautiful blue eyes, blue colour associate me how great it was to be loved
Marlou 2012/11/30 11:27
I think love is c0lorless, we cannt see it but its there forever./smiley
Fairyflexy 2012/11/30 18:46
Wow! /smiley
Katliegh 2012/12/02 06:07
this is adorable ^^
Sweet_Divyanka 2012/12/03 22:10
i prefer red and purple and also pink uhh i love it so much. /smiley
MisIndependent 2012/12/04 21:24
lovly topic
Manojg. 2012/12/05 10:03
Love color is red.
Red color mean stop.
Stop to ur haert for do love.

yemadep 2012/12/05 20:26
I guess its colour is RAINBOW.
Bigbadjon 2012/12/08 23:30
Love is the rainbow!
Replies: 32

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