Meer@.gupta2012/11/29 09:22 Love always in a mixed color. Bt most of d time it must to be green
saahir2012/11/29 11:36 Colour of my heart is, as colour of a mirror.
adamjr2012/11/29 12:11 Yellow is the color of friendship. Pink is the color of a start of a new relationship or a new love. Red, however, is the color of a good relationship or the color of love.
The_Torpid2012/11/29 12:14 My Color Of Love Is Newton's Disc.Colourless!!But Lovely!!
--BooM-ShAnKaR--2012/11/29 13:43 LoVe Iz a mIxTuRe oF CoLoUrZ bUt fR Mee pURPLe bTw nYc tOpIc
black_tear2012/11/29 23:35 you know what, for me it is blue. because I was so much in love in one beautiful blue eyes, blue colour associate me how great it was to be loved
Marlou2012/11/30 11:27 I think love is c0lorless, we cannt see it but its there forever.