A dream! by
_Sid_ 2012/11/26 10:25
Wake up,
Im still awake!
Watching u flutter ur eyes,seeing an imaginary realm!
Reading ur thoughts,as u feel ur dream!
Its nothing but a dreary path,which u think will last!
The fruitless schemes of ur future,weighing on the past!
U r ur dream's hero,twisting,turning and dodging!
U got no idea that someone,through n through,is watching!
Pray,whine,rush,let ur soul scatter!
But in the end,it duznt even matter!
Wake up,
U will realise!
That all ur life is just a dream,beautiful,bittersweet and wild!
Wake up,
After all,u r just a child!:-)
saahir 2012/11/26 12:13
Kumz 2012/11/26 13:01
EllaiZa 2012/11/26 13:55
absolutely amazing.! somewhere in the lines it brings the message of realization and to live every moment of life to the fullest..
Fantasy 2012/11/26 16:27
Very good poem ....
Hikaru 2012/11/26 18:57
Wow impressive!-up-i like it
Marlou 2012/11/27 09:02
Great! enjoy every m0ment of your life. Just dance with the music.
-linda- 2012/12/19 03:09
keep it up. nice
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