LEt mE ThinK ABOuT It HeY.. by _rOcK_ 2012/11/22 11:18
If yOU Got a cHANCE to bECOME a
MILLIonairE bY Doing a sIMPLE tasK,
that Iz yOU wiLL Have tO MAke a dISH
oF a RAT anD eAT yoUR SELF...-haha3-

sO PEOple dO yoU ACCEPT diZ TASk tO

Reply with REASONS!! -hehe-
jaQui 2012/11/22 11:37
Yeahhh,,,coz money talks .hehe.
Manal 2012/11/22 11:40
whheeewwww...no way
saahir 2012/11/22 13:21
I will, if dis Chance is offered @ 2wap, but instead of Rat, i wud lyk mk a dish of mouse. But reason u've 2 ask mouse./smiley
MAHESH_K 2012/11/22 16:52
Damn no! /smiley
Fantasy 2012/11/23 08:15
Show task first ..
samii 2012/11/23 22:56
Yes I will cool ten times /smiley
Dehannah 2012/11/24 02:35
nope..... cuz first of all i cant eat myself and second of all i wont be a millionnaire!-L0l-
_ShAnE_StArK_ 2014/07/10 12:02
Noooo wayyy...
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